Transportation Changes

Will your child be going home a DIFFERENT way? Here's what you need to know!

~ We do NOT accept transportation changes via phone, email, fax or through the app.
~ Transportation changes must be done NO LATER than 2:45 p.m.

If you come in person to the office:
~You MUST bring your ID
~ The office has a special form you can fill out

If you write a NOTE, please include the following:
~ Student's first and last name
~ Parent's phone number in case there are questions
~ Date that student will need the transportation change. If more than one date, those dates MUST be consecutive. If they are NOT consecutive, a note will be needed for each date.
~ Parent Signature
~ IF the change will mean your child will be riding a Bossier Parish school bus, please include the address the child will be going to AND Bus Number (if known).

Thank you for your help with making transportation changes go smoothly!